A N N A  T A L V I  // Z E R O  S U I T
D I R E C T O R  //  B E N E D I C T   R E D G R O V E

E D I T O R  // T H O M A S   G O L D S E R         R O N I N   O P E R A T O R  // W I L L    M I T C H E L L
 P R O D U C T I O N  //  V I S U A L   A R T I S T

Anna Talvi, a wonderfully talents designer from the RCA wanted to create film showcasing her stunning designs for anti-gravity space suits. So of course she called on NASA photographer Benedict Redgrove to help achieve a fairly ambition little project. We were tasked with creating the sensation of anti-gravity, without any budget for wire work or vfx to aid in the process. We went about using a model with a strong dance background, who was able to perform wonderful simulations of zero gravity body movement. Using a gimble camera rig, we were able to float through the scene, using complimentary framing to exclude any sense of space or ground. Thomas, our collaborative editor then took over the reigns. Using creative editing techniques, twisting and turning the imagery into something other worldly.